28. September 2016PrEP
23. October 2016What is it?
Speed contains the substance amphetamine and/or other stimulants and other active ingredients. Most often, you will encounter speed as a whitish or yellowish, crystalline powder or paste, more rarely in the form of capsules, tablets or solutions (juices).
The amphetamine content in speed can vary greatly from drug to drug and usually fluctuates between 10 and 80 percent. The average active ingredient content in Germany has fluctuated slightly for years between 12 and 15 percent.
In addition to amphetamine, speed may contain other active ingredients such as 4-fluoramphetamine or 4-methyl-amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, MDMA, cocaine, caffeine, painkillers and largely ineffective extenders (lactose, creatine/creatinine, mannitol or similar). During the production of speed, harmful impurities can arise that are not visible from the outside.
How is it taken?
Speed is usually snorted, less often swallowed in capsules or wrapped in paper (“bombs”) or mixed into a drink. Very rarely speed is slammed.
Dosage: A usual dose is between 5 and 25 mg of pure amphetamine. A dose of 50mg is considered high and should not be exceeded. Due to the high fluctuations in the active ingredients in speed preparations, it is hardly possible to measure an exact dose.
When you sniff speed, the effect kicks in after a few minutes and lasts for about 6-12 hours.
Speed can cause a strong burning sensation in the nose and throat. The nasal mucous membranes are attacked when sniffing speed, injuries can occur. Especially the nasal consumption of speed pastes is described as very corrosive and biting.
When swallowed, it can take 30 minutes to take effect and the effect lasts longer overall. Depending on when and how much you ate beforehand, the time it takes to feel the effects may vary. If you consume in this way, you may experience stomach upset and nausea.
How does it feel?
Every substance has a different effect on different people. The effect of speed depends on personal factors (body mass, habituation, amount consumed, on a full or empty stomach, …). An important role is played by your environment, and by your mental and physical condition.
When illegal substances are consumed, it is usually not known how much active ingredient is in the drug or parts of it. This makes precise dosing more difficult and increases the likelihood of unintended effects. Pay attention to current substance warnings and, if possible, use drug-checking services.
Speed puts your body in a state of emergency that normally occurs in dangerous situations. Physical needs that are not essential for survival, such as hunger, thirst, pain and fatigue, are suppressed. Instead strength, endurance, attention, self-esteem and performance are greatly increased. Speed, however, does not supply your body with energy, but stimulates you and makes your body use up its energy reserves. Users report extreme performance, alertness and euphoric states when using speed. It has a disinhibiting effect and increases the willingness to take risks. When the effect wears off, you may feel like having sex.
Side effects and long-term impact
Since the exact composition of speed is mostly unknown, it is never predictable what effect the consumption will have.
Using speed puts your body under extreme stress. Speed use can push you to your performance limits. The more often, longer, or more you use speed, the more likely unpleasant or undesirable effects will come to the fore.
If you take speed, these side effects are likely:
- subdued sense of hunger, thirst and fatigue
- Sweating or shivering
- Jaw spasm, “chewing lash”
- Tingling sensation in the hands and feet
- Dry mouth
- muscle cramps
- increased heart rate
- Increased body temperature
- Irritability
- increased aggression
- Nervousness
- paranoid or delusional thoughts
- Hallucinations and delusions
When coming down and after your consumption, you may notice some of these symptoms:
- Sleep disorders
- headache and aching limbs
- exhaustion
- listlessness
- ravenous appetite
- memory lapses
- Depressed mood
If you consume over a longer period of time, the following effects become more likely:
- exhaustion
- Heart and circulatory problems
- weakened immune system (and thus more frequent infections)
- severe weight loss
- Skin blemishes (“speed pimples”)
- increased risk of stroke and heart attack
- Nerve damage
- psychosis
Because the exact composition of speed is mostly unknown, overdoses or unexpected effects can occur quickly.
Signs of a speed overdose include:
- Dizziness
- trembling
- sweating
- Compulsive body movements
- Paranoia, psychotic states
- Circulatory collapse, unconsciousness
- Overheating
- Red coloration of the skin
- stroke
- Heart, liver or kidney failure
If you feel persistent discomfort, increasing cramps and overheating, get medical help. If you find a passed out person, check if they’re breathing, provide first aid and call an ambulance (112).
You can find more information about drug emergencies here. You can also contact these hotlines:
Drug emergency hotline: 01806 313031 (24h)
Drug crisis hotline: 030 19237 (24h)
Drug combinations
Generally speaking: consuming more than one substance at a time puts your body and your mental state under more pressure. Certain effects may be intensified, weakened or delayed by the interactions. The risk of overdose or side effects becomes unpredictable.
- Speed + other stimulants (caffeine, cocaine, other amphetamines): The circulation is extremely stressed. Fluid loss, overheating and circulatory collapse are possible.
- Speed + cannabis: the effect of cannabis is enhanced, the development of anxiety is increased, a permanent anxiety disorder or psychosis may develop.
- Speed + alcohol: You are less aware that you are drunk. This makes it more likely that you will drink too much. Alcohol intoxication can occur more easily.
- Speed + Poppers or Viagra: The circulation is extremely stressed. You risk your life when mixing.
- Speed + beta-blockers, MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants: sharp rise in blood pressure. You risk your life when mixing.
- Speed + benzodiazepines:: Extremely high circulatory stress, this can lead to circulatory collapse.
Addiction risk and withdrawal
- The use of speed leads to a rapid build-up of tolerance (habituation effect). This means that you would need to take more and more of the substance over time to achieve the same effect.
- If you use amphetamines, you may develop a psychological dependence.
- If speed is discontinued after continuous and long-term use, physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms can occur. Main symptoms are
strong craving for the drug, depressive mood, weakness and excessive drowsiness, panic attacks, sweating. Delusions, cardiovascular problems, nausea, cramps and restlessness may also occur. - Self-organized “cold turkey” withdrawal (without medical consultation and care) can be physically and psychologically stressful. Find out which hospitals in your area offer medically supervised detox and get support.
Safer Use
- Individuals with psychological distress or illness are at higher risk of experiencing acute psychotic reactions (paranoia, persecutory delusions).
- Do not consumeif you have cardiovascular problems, liver or kidney disease or diabetes.
- Only use your own tube. When using sharp-edged tubes for sniffing (e.g., banknotes, plastic straws), minor injuries to the nasal lining may occur and minor traces of blood may remain attached to the tube. If a tube is shared with others during sniffing, hepatitis C or herpes can be transmitted.
- Always measure out your dose yourself. Do not delegate your responsibility to others. That way, you’re guaranteed to stay on top of things.
- It is never okay to administer substances to other people without their knowledge and consent! You endanger the life of a person and are liable to prosecution. If you witness such a situation, get help and protect the person being spiked.
- Speed damages the nasal mucous membranes. To protect your nose while snorting, you can chop up the powder as small as possible and do a nasal rinse after the party.
- Speed puts a strain on your circulation and takes energy from your body. You can take breaks out in the fresh air in between to cool down a little. Make sure you eat and drink a little something from time to time. A balanced diet helps to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
- After consumption, you may feel out of tune, drained, or irritable. Plan the phase into your week and take it easy.
- Find an end when consuming and try to be abstinent when getting down. . Substance use aimed at shortening your downtime can lead to unexpected interactions and promote dependence.
- Certain drug interactions pose a high health risk. Talk to your doctors about drug interactions.
- Do not consume alone. Unexpected side effects can always occur. Inform your friends about what you have consumed.
Safer Sex
- Under the influence of speed, the risks of a situation are perceived and assessed differently. If you use speed, you may be more likely to overstep boundaries and forgo safer sex. This increases your risk of infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
- Under the influence of speed, you may get very horny but your penis won’t get hard.
- Do not mix speed and Viagra! The mixed consumption of speed and Viagra can lead to life-threatening cardiovascular failure.
- The penis is less sensitive on speed and it can be more difficult to reach orgasm. This can lead to longer and harder sex than when sober. This increases the risk of small, bleeding injuries, which in turn makes the transmission of HIV, HEP C and STIs more likely.
- If sex on speed lasts longer, change the condom every half hour or choose a different protection strategy.
- Have plenty of safe sex items (gloves, condoms, water-based lube) on hand.
- Sex and speed only work with mutual consent and trust. Clarify ahead of time which sex practices are okay with everyone and which are not.
- Only sleep with people who can communicate boundaries and consent! If a person is so high that he or she is no longer able to converse, he or she is also incapable of giving consent. Under no circumstances may sexual acts be (further) performed on them. This is true even if mutual intentions were previously discussed while conscious. It may be is a criminal offense (§ 177 StGB).
- Consume only so much that you can defend yourself or still recognize your partner’s defensive signals.
- Pay attention to your body! See a doctor about any abnormal changes.
- Get tested for sexually transmitted infections at least once a year and check your hepatitis A/B vaccination status.
- Information on first aid for chemsex emergencies can be found here.
Interactions with HIV treatment
- Booster (Norvir®(Ritonavir), Tybost®(Cobicistat)) hemmen den Abbau von Speed. This makes the drug stronger and longer lasting.
- Take drugs and HIV medications at different times. This might decrease the chance of side-effects. Always keep the dose of drugs low when taking medication at the same time.
- Since it may be a long night, bring enough medication with you and stick to your medication schedule.
- Talk to your doctor about the interaction of your HIV medications with intoxicants.
- Information on interactions between substances and HIV medications . can be found here
- Would you like to talk about your use, have questions, or are looking for support about substance use?
- Do you want to share and/or reflect on your substance experiences with someone?
- Feeling that you are using too much?
- Are you worried about friends or acquaintances and want advice or tips on how to deal with the situation as a friend?
- Feeling that you are using too much? The drug advice services in your area will be happy to help you!
- Speed/Pep |
- Questions about Speed – drugcom
- Amphetamin (
- Amphetamin (Speed) – sauber drauf!
- Substanz Infos (
- Amphetamin Auswertung (
- Speed Entzug – Lifespring Privatklinik
- Amphetamin-Entzug: Ablauf, Symptome, Dauer & Prognosen (
- Amphetamin und Sildenafil (Viagra) |
- eve&rave Münster e.V. – Poppers (
- Speed | HIV & Drogen (