Treatment as prevention (TasP) provides effective protection against HIV transmission, just like PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and condoms. Treatment as prevention means that an HIV-positive person that is in successful treatment cannot transmit HIV. The following conditions apply:
- The viral load (the amount of viruses in the blood) of the HIV-positive person has been classified as “undetectable” for at least six months and is examined by a specialist at regular intervals (approx. every 3 months).
- HIV medication is taken correctly and regularly.
- Treatment as prevention only protects against HIV transmission, not other STIs. Condoms can provide additional protection against these.
- Condoms, PrEP and treatment as prevention each reliably protect you against HIV and can be combined with each other.
Choose what suits you best. See here for further information.
Information about infection risks associated with different sex acts
Get tested for HIV, Hep C and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) at least once a year! Swabs on the tail, ass and throat give security to find everything that does not belong there! Vaccinations against hepatitis A and B are possible.

HIV & AIDS counseling
Are you looking for help on the topics of HIV & Aids? These places offer assistance in Berlin.

Information on sexually transmitted infections (STI) and how to protect yourself from them.